It's been in the Newsletter for a few months now, and been actively discussed in the Facebook Group, but I just realized I hadn't made a post here about it! This is the problem with trying to keep so many platforms updated. :)
The SAGA file format is for use with the Cross Stitch Saga app. You can get the app on the Google Store and the Apple Store. It ties in with your Dropbox account to import and export patterns. I don't personally have any association with the developers but their app has been a nice addition to making my patterns more accessible. You can alter symbols, check off what you've stitched and get a percentage finished, and toggle backstitching. There's a lot of help available in the Facebook Group linked above if you have any questions!
In order to get a SAGA file format of a pattern you've purchased just fill out the Contact Form at the bottom of my home page. Let me know which designs you would like converted and I'll get you a link.
The other pattern format I'll now be offering is "without backstitching". This will be a PDF variant of the original pattern without backstitching to make it easier to see the symbols underneath. Starting in 2021 all new patterns will include this by default. Any older patterns will need to be by request. Just fill out the Contact Form at the bottom of my home page and let me know you'd like one.